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The Gauteng Provincial Government invites the submission of events proposals for the 2002/23 Financial year. Gauteng Tourism in partnership with Gauteng Department of Sports Arts Culture and Recreation on behalf of Gauteng Provincial Government seeks to invest in listed below that generate significant immediate and long- term economic benefits and align to the Gauteng City Region’s plan of “Growing Gauteng Together (GGT 2030) ten high growth sectors (Energy, Financial Services, ICT/Digital Services, Automotive/ Aerospace/Defense, Transport & logistics, Agro-processing/agro-business/ food & beverage, construction and infrastructure, Tourism& hospitality, Sports/culture & Creative services and Cannibas)

The proposals must fall within the following categories:

  1. Iconic / Mega Event: An event that attracts a large number of International, regional and domestic visitors to Gauteng with extensive global media coverage. Usually event organizer won the rights to host the event once in a lifetime.
  2. Major Event: An event that attracts a significant number International, regional and domestic special interests’ visitors to Gauteng. Usually event organizer won the rights to host the event for a limited period as it may be limited to specific interest groups
  3. Significant Event: Annual event that attracts some international attendees, global media coverage and has wide appeal to residents across the African region and from neighboring provinces.
  4. Regional Event: An event that typically only attracts attendees from Gauteng, but still generates significant media coverage (national and/or local media) and attracts a significant number of attendees, thus generating a good economic impact locally for the Province.
  5. Township / Community Events: An event is typically localized to one community and attracts residents resulting in localized economic development and impact.
  6. MICE Event (Meetings, Incentives, Conference and Exhibitions): International, Regional and Corporate Conferences, Meetings and Exhibitions to be hosted/ awarded to Gauteng. FY2022/23 – Ten High growth Sectors.

The following compliance documents must be included in your proposal

  • Proof of Registration with Central Supplier database (print out)
  • Valid Tax Clearance certificate and Pin number
  • Certified ID copies of shareholders/ members
  • Detailed Company profile with reference
  • Bank Confirmation letter
  • Event proposals submission : [email protected] by the 20 June 2022 at 12h00.
  • Any enquiries relating to the request for proposals: events may be directed to [email protected] Enquiries close on 08 June 2022 at 15h00.
  • If you do not receive a reply to your application within 30 days from the closing date of the RFP: Events, kindly consider your submission unsuccessful.
  • Consideration for funding and the related amount to be funded will be approved in line with Bidding and Hosting allocated annual budgets.
  • Only Gauteng based organizations may apply and projects to be implemented in Gauteng


EVALUATION PROCESS: Received Proposals will be evaluated against the evaluation criteria using the Event Impact tool. Interested parties may download the evaluation criteria from the following websites: and/or

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